Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nathan Clutter, Reality Show Contestant dies, paradise hotel 2

Network TV is morning the loss of one of their contestants after jumping to his death from a cell phone tower.

The TV Program " Paradise Hotel 2 " on Fox Reality television was a young, attractive man looking to get lucky in this glamorous hotel. Paradise Hotel 2 described Nathan Clutter as a gentlemen, but killed himself only 2 weeks after filming.

Fans worry that their should be a screening process which selects candidates to ensure they are of sound mind before appearing on National Television. Sounds to me like the lawyers might be more concerned with families coming back at networks with lawsuits but that's just my personal opinion. This brings to light yet another incident where the rich just are looking to protect themselves in a time of tragedy but their is no way this could of been for seen and he possibly would of done it anyway regardless of appearing on Paradise Hotel 2. In all cases the ones that hurt the most are the families and friends that have to deal with the loss.