David Shuster suspended over Chelsea
Hi David, I’ve really liked the work you’ve done (and want you get your own show) and so does most of the blogoshere, but saying Chelsea’s being “pimped out” was out of line. Why is it not OK for Chelsea to campaign for her mother? If David used the word “pimp” in any context associated with the Obama camp, I think I know how everyone would react. He’s apologizing on Tucker later today. That’s a good thing.
NBC: On Thursday’s “Tucker” on MSNBC, David Shuster, who was serving as guest-host of the program, made a comment about Chelsea Clinton and the Clinton campaign that was irresponsible and inappropriate. Shuster, who apologized this morning on MSNBC and will again this evening, has been suspended from appearing on all NBC News broadcasts, other than to make his apology. He has also extended an apology to the Clinton family. NBC News takes these matters seriously, and offers our sincere regrets to the Clintons for the remarks.
Makes you wonder why Matthews wasn’t suspended.
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