Wednesday, February 6, 2008

California, Arizona election results going for Clinton

Arizona with about 55 percent reporting has Hillary Clinton with a clear lead over Barack Obama. Gov. Janet Napolitano momentarily loses her golden touch in failing to get the state for Obama, who she endorsed.

California, with less than 9 percent reporting has her with a 22-point margin over Obama.

Obama leads in Utah by 9 percent with about 25% of precincts reporting. Since the state will go Republican this doesn’t seem as important as the Arizona and California wins.
The Obama camp will obviously emphasize the delegate count, which due to the proportional representation nature of Democratic primaries will be fairly even. Before all is done he may well have won more states, but that is unclear at the moment.

The Clinton camp can obviously point to their candidate winning the most votes across the country and winning big when she was almost written off, again, by Obama supporters at least.

McCain, in the winner-takes-all nature of the Republican primaries has a massive lead that will take a massive leap by either Romney or Huckabee to overcome. Romney isn’t going to do well in Texas, and Huckabee has the greater leap.

Meanwhile, Missouri is tightening up, with now just 1 percent - or about 50,000 15,000* votes - between Hillary Clinton and the trailing Obama, with 91% of precincts reporting.

It seems that the “uncommitted” vote of about 3,000 will mark the difference between declaring victory for either candidate as Obama now has about a 3,000-vote lead with 97% of precincts reporting.