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The new adress of blog is -
The new adress of blog is -
Posted by Memmo at 3:25 PM 0 comments
În 2008, Fiat 500 se prezintă ca o maşină la modă, model Premium, mai mic decât modelul Panda, dar mai scump, chiar cel mai scump din clasa sa. Preţul de început va fi de 10.000 de euro.
Posted by Memmo at 3:05 AM 0 comments
Yahoo! Multi Messenger 9
Posted by Memmo at 12:16 PM 0 comments
YouTube Downloader este un program cu care puteti descarca filme de pe YouTube. Doar copiati adresa videoclipului si apasati pe DOWNLOAD.
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Posted by Memmo at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Pentru a viziona online posturile TV care emit online, aveti nevoie de urmatoarele:
- Sistem de operare Windows XP sau Windows Vista;
- Windows Media player 10+;
- Browser Internet Explorer 6+ sau Firefox;
- Conexiune internet de mare viteza (min 384 Kbps). Fluenta vizionarii este dependenta de viteza conexiunii dvs.;
Posted by Memmo at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Acesta este un client gratuit de file sharing compatibil cu reteaua BitTorrent si caracterizat prin faptul ca foloseste foarte putine resurse (incarcare procesor si memorie, spatiu pe disc).
Posted by Memmo at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Retea: GSM 900 / 1800
Lungime: 105 mm
Latime: 42 mm
Grosime: 8.9 mm
Greutate: 72 gr
Ecran: CSTN, 65K culori
Rezolutie: 128 x 128 pixeli, 1.52″
Camera foto: Nu
Sunete apel: Polifonice 16 canale
Tonuri polifonice: Da
Vibratii: Da
Jocuri: Da + download-abile
T9: Da
Interfata antena ext.: Nu
IrDA: Nu
GPRS: Clasa 10 (4+1 / 3+2 slot-uri)
Posted by Memmo at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Posted by Memmo at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Multi cauta sa afle cum sa sparga parola unui id de mess (Yahoo Messenger) Si gasesc pe diverse site-uri, forumuri diferite ‘metode’ prin care raman fara id-uri deoarece acele persoane le sparg lor parolele. Exemplu: Te pun sa intri pe diferite site-uri si sa te loghezi si fara sa iti dai seama tu ii trimiti lui parola, asa ca nu va foloti parola decat pe site-ul
Posted by Memmo at 12:11 PM 0 comments
Platformele au revenit si sunt mai inalte ca niciodata! Sandalele de tipul “gheisa” de la Alessandro Dell´Acqua sunt “la inaltime” in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.
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Posted by Memmo at 6:21 AM 0 comments
Organizaţia World Vision Romania a realizat un studiu calitativ asupra traficului de persoane din ţara noastră, a grupurilor sociale vulnerabile şi a zonelor de risc din trei judeţe din România - Constanţa, Ialomiţa, Iaşi şi din municipiul Bucureşti. S-a identificat astfel o puternică asociere între categoria victimelor traficului de persoane şi educaţia insuficientă, în special din cauza abandonului şcolar cauzat de dificultăţile materiale ale familiei. continuare
Posted by Memmo at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Audi Q5 este tot mai aproape de forma sa finala, cea care va ajunge in cele din urma pe linia de producatie. Acesta a evoluat mult fata de modelul prezentat anul trecut la salonul de la Beijing. Acum seamana mai mult cu fratele lui Q7.
Audi Q5 este construit pe aceasi platforma pe care sunt construite si A4 si A5. Pentru ca Q5 va fi un SUV va avea o transmisie cu dublu-ambreaj (DSG) in 7 trepte.
Posted by Memmo at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Poliţia italiană încearcă să prindă un hoţ mai neobişnuit. Acesta nu apeleză la violenţă, ci la hipnoză. Pe camerele de supraveghere ale unui magazin se observa cum casieriţa îi da bărbatului peste o mie de euro fară ca acesta sa îi facă ceva. Angajata spune ca singurul lucru pe şi-l mai aduce aminte este fraza “uita-te în ochii mei”. Acesta se pare ca are o complice care trebuia să distragă atenţia celor din zonă.
Posted by Memmo at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Deoarece un german a lansat un serviciu de e-mail cu acest nume înaintea celor de la Google, aceştia vor trebuie să renunţe la Gmail pentru Google Mail
Posted by Memmo at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Potrivit studiilor efectuate în perioada ianuarie - februarie 2008 de utilizatorii de internet din Romania sunt foarte interesati de urmatoarele tematici.
Puteti sa vedeti lista aici
Posted by Memmo at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Maşina avion poate fi folosită si ca o maşină obişnuită dar daca îi extinzi aripile poţi decola.
Posted by Memmo at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Currently enjoying the admiration that comes with a successful album that brought her back into the charts, Nadine Sutherland's name keeps calling far and wide. For sometime prior to 2007, her name didn't resonate the way it used to for example, when her 1995 Action, in tandem with deejay Terror Fabulous, had an enormous impact on the Billboard Pop Chart where it was registered at number 39.
Posted by Memmo at 5:51 AM 0 comments
A.J. Price nodded his head, uttered a few words in reply but kept his gaze away from Calhoun’s eyes. “He said whatever he had to say, how he felt and that was that,” Price said.
They didn’t see eye-to-eye after the 85-76 loss to Providence at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center, either. Calhoun called the Huskies selfish, but Price said that wasn’t the case. Calhoun said the Huskies weren’t ready to play. Price disputed that, too.
They easily agreed upon one fact: Price had a bad game. He shot 4-for-13, scored 11 points and turned the ball over six times as opposed to a mere four assists. It was just the third time all season he posted more turnovers than assists.
All this one night after he had much to say about the Friars and their supposed poor behavior in the first matchup in Hartford. He talked tough and, along with the rest of his teammates, didn’t back it up. Nor did he back down from what he said.
“That’s how I felt about them,” Price said. “They beat us, though, so it makes me look kind of foolish right now. All in all, I meant what I said. They just beat us tonight. Best of luck to them.
” Foul trouble rendered Price a non-factor in the first go-round with the Friars. Providence bottled him up defensively, using its length at the top of the zone to harass the Huskies, but Price and the guards also took poor shots. Price committed an extremely costly turnover with just less than two minutes remaining. It turned into a Weyinmi Efejuku alley-oop dunk on the other end that pushed the gap to nine points and buried the Huskies. It was also emblematic of Price’s evening.
“I just had a terrible game all around,” Price said. “I turned the ball over far too much and didn’t make shots. I turned the ball over and I hurt my team. I’m fully aware of that.
” Welsh’s future: Speculation is rampant that Providence coach Tim Welsh is on the verge of losing his job after 10 years at the helm. The Friars have made two NCAA Tournament appearances during Welsh’s time, losing each time in the first round. Calhoun, who is close with Welsh, not surprisingly jumped into his corner.
“I think Tim’s done a great job,” Calhoun said. “You have to give a guy time. Climbing the ladder (in the Big East) is so difficult. You can’t slip even a little bit.
” Those calling for Welsh’s head would argue that 10 years is plenty of time. Calhoun points out that the Friars, who were expected to be better this season, have played all but three games without point guard Sharaud Curry and are now without guard Dwain Williams. “They’ve been injury-stricken at tough spots,” Calhoun said. “If we had lost A.J. (Price), our team would have changed a great deal.
” Big ol’ mess:The four byes for the Big East Tournament have been determined and South Florida and Rutgers won’t be in New York. We also know that either Georgetown or Louisville will be the top seed. But who finishes where after that is, once again, going to come down to the final weekend. It’s a mess all the way through. Providence, DePaul and St. John’s are fighting for the 12th and final spot in New York.
Timely rest: Calhoun doesn’t like playing a Thursday-Saturday schedule to end the regular season but he can’t complain about the rest the Huskies received this week. The four days they had between the West Virginia game and the Providence game is the longest the Huskies have gone between games since having an identical break between the Jan. 12 game at Georgetown and the Jan. 17 game against the Friars.
Posted by Memmo at 5:50 AM 0 comments
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Posted by Memmo at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Celebrity News & Gossip has learned that Dirty Dancing star Patrick Swayze has just 5 weeks to live. The 55 year old heart throb has pancreatic cancer and the disease has spread to his other major organs.
For the past month, Patrick, 55, has been traveling to Stanford University's prestigious cancer center in Palo Alto for radical chemotherapy, but his doctors are no longer optimistic that the treatments will be successful.
Our prayers go out to Patrick and his wife Lisa Niemi.
Posted by Memmo at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Amanda Peterson (born July 8, 1971 in Greeley, Colorado) is an actress who gained much fame during the late 1980s, when she portrayed Cindy Mancini, a Tucson, Arizona high-school student, in the movie Can't Buy Me Love.
Peterson played Sunny, granddaughter of patriarch Joe Gardner (Richard Kiley) in the 1987 series A Year in the Life. She and co-star Patrick Dempsey obtained teen idol status after the release of Can't Buy Me Love. Amanda Peterson and Patrick Dempsey subsequently appeared on covers of teen magazines such as Tiger Beat, Teen Beat and many others for a considerable amount of time. Prior to the success of Can't Buy Me Love, Peterson had TV appearances in Father Murphy and Silver Spoons. She had a small role in the 1982 movie version of Annie before getting a starring role in Explorers, and she also acted with Robert De Niro.
Peterson went on to make other movies, none of which have achieved the box-office success of Can't Buy Me Love. Peterson left acting after her last screen appearance in the 1995 film, Windrunner.
Amanda got her start at the age of eleven in the 1982 feature film Annie. That led to a role as the little sister on the short-lived dramatic TV series Boone, as well as several TV movies and feature films.
Amanda's big break came with the 1987 teen film Can't Buy Me Love. Originally titled Boy Rents Girl, the film told the story of a not-so-popular teenager who pays a cheerleader $1,000 to pretend to be his girlfriend for a month. The film grossed $31.6 million in the U.S. and launched the career of Amanda's co-star, Patrick Dempsey. Amanda wouldn't be so lucky.
At the time of Can't Buy Me Love's release, Amanda was set to star in the TV drama A Year in the Life. The show's title proved to be prophetic when, despite critical acclaim and several awards, it was canceled during its first season. Several TV movies followed, to minimal success.
1987's Listen to Me teamed Amanda with two of Hollywood's hottest actors, Jami Gertz and Kirk Cameron. Amanda played a handicapped college student in the film. Listen to Me was both a critical and box office failure, signaling the end of Kirk's and Jami's careers. Amanda went with them.
After Listen to Me, Amanda continued to work, starring in several TV movies, including 1992's Fatal Charm. 1995's Windrunner marked Amanda's exit from Hollywood.
Posted by Memmo at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Amanda Peterson
Russian Tatiana Aryasova won the LA Marathon, and the $100,000 "Banco Popular Challenge" with an unofficial time of 2:09:32, beating out the top "elite" male runner, Laban Moiben of Kenya, who clocked in with an unofficial time of 2:13:50. The petite Aryasova is in peak shape; she recently gave birth and resumed her training rapidly.
Both runners received the keys to their new Honda Accords thanks to the race's sponsor, Honda of America, whose headquarters are located here in Torrance. They also each received a cash award of $20,000. The winning pair took the lead early on, and were ahead of the more than 26,000 runners who began the race in North Hollywood and traveled the 26 miles on foot to Downtown LA.
The wheelchair race had an exciting finish earlier this morning, which KTLA describes as featuring a "grueling sprint" taking place for the last six miles of their race. The winner was Saul Mendoza, who crossed the line in first place for the seventh time today, just moments ahead of Krige Schaburt, whose wheelchair had a flat front tire.
Although in the past two years of the race there have been fatalities, thus far only minor injuries, mostly in the bike race, have been reported.
Posted by Memmo at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Sports
Network TV is morning the loss of one of their contestants after jumping to his death from a cell phone tower.
The TV Program " Paradise Hotel 2 " on Fox Reality television was a young, attractive man looking to get lucky in this glamorous hotel. Paradise Hotel 2 described Nathan Clutter as a gentlemen, but killed himself only 2 weeks after filming.
Fans worry that their should be a screening process which selects candidates to ensure they are of sound mind before appearing on National Television. Sounds to me like the lawyers might be more concerned with families coming back at networks with lawsuits but that's just my personal opinion. This brings to light yet another incident where the rich just are looking to protect themselves in a time of tragedy but their is no way this could of been for seen and he possibly would of done it anyway regardless of appearing on Paradise Hotel 2. In all cases the ones that hurt the most are the families and friends that have to deal with the loss.
Posted by Memmo at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Nathan Clutter
Rat Race Rebellion at Are you tired of the normal everyday life of the real world? Have you ever wanted to make a change in your life that could give you a different outlook on life?
Join the Rat Race Rebellion to find out what this is all about. The website is dedicated to helping people find jobs that will allow them to work from home. This is great for people that want a change in life or are striving to spend more time with their family.
If this interests you check out the website at They do have a fair amount of jobs and give you a pretty good idea what types of jobs you can do from home. The Rat Race Rebellion was featured on the Today show this morning and is growing in popularity. We will continue to follow this story and will provide a breaking news update if we hear any.
Posted by Memmo at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Rat Race Rebellion
The Walk Vest sounds like something that you might here about in a movie about the future but it seems that the future is already here. The Walk Vest was created to help people to lose weight and add muscle while exercising. The Walk Vest has created a certain buzz on the internet and amongst people who are particularly looking for a way to tone up much quicker.
The Walk Vest helps you to burn excess calories, tone up your muscles, condition your abs, and even build bone density. Some might even call the Walk Vest a miracle worker for losing weight and toning up your body.
The Walk Vest can add from 2 to 16 pounds to your normal body weight and can be worn while walking to add resistance safely and help your body to work harder. Because of the added resistance that the Walk Vest gives you, your bones will be forced to grow denser and stronger which helps you to burn more calories and lose weight faster.
The weights that are added to the Walk Vest slide in and out of sleeves that are sown into the vest making it easier for you to adjust the weight in which you are wearing.
The Walk Vest could really help me when I do such things as push-ups or sit-ups by adding extra weight for me to lift and it could to keep my back straight during routine exercises.
I often here of people who use a backpack to add weight onto them while they are hiking and the Walk Vest could easily be substituted for a backpack and make it much easier for someone who uses backpacks to hike by evenly distributing the weight instead of the weight shifting like it would in an ordinary backpack.
Using a Walk Vest can give you all the added benefits of exercising and it can help you get to your goal for weight loss or toning your muscles that much quicker.
A Walk Vest would be much more convenient for someone like me who uses weights when I walk. I am often self conscious about doing this and this vest could really help me when I want to walk but don't want to tote around the weights.
Posted by Memmo at 1:01 AM 0 comments
Gosh, was that really ZZ Top on stage before Sunday’s NASCAR race in California? The bearded rockers were a bit rusty, at best.
At what point do rebels morph into dinosaurs?
Each summer Lawrence County welcomes old rock bands to the Boogie near Judah. I think Exile (I Want to Kiss You All Over) is coming this July. What geriatric group would you like to hear again?
Remember REO? What about Guess Who?
Do you still boogie?
I’ll leave you with this:
“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you was?”
- Satchel Paige
Posted by Memmo at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: ZZ Top
Mike Huckabee was on SNL last night. He took part in a skit mocking his chances of winning the republican nomination.
I really don't get why Huckabee is still in the race, but at least he has some sense of humor about it.
Posted by Memmo at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Huckabee SNL
Lately we’ve been fine tooling how we do live coverage for big events over at Mahalo. Even on weekends we get a few dedicated folks to live blog and create pages on the fly when needed. I’m looking at the 2008 Oscars category right now and just blown away by the amount of great pages already created. These will be updated throughout the night so if you are looking to see who won and what they wore check out some of the below pages.
Posted by Memmo at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2008 Oscars
Miley Ray Cyrus auditioned for the Hannah Montana in 2005, when she was 12 years old. She became an overnight success after being cast in the show. She is ranked #17 on the Forbes Top twenty earners under 25 with an annual earning of $3.5 million. She was involved in a spin-off movie, Hannah Montana: The Movie that will release at the end of 2008.
Her show debuted on the Disney Channel in March 2006. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart. At night she is a famous pop singer names Hannah Montana. Only her close friends know about her double identity. Her father, country singer Billy Ray Cyrus plays her father on the show.
Posted by Memmo at 3:09 PM 0 comments
The master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, drew on trepidation to create his gripping films. His pacing and his ability to convey the suspense in his pictures made him legendary and his witty humour only added to the jovial intricacy of his films. With 1959’s North by Northwest, Hitchcock is possibly at his very best.
This tale of mistaken identity is a stimulating thriller, packed with the archetypal spies and mystery that make these things all the more convincing. North by Northwest was penned by Ernest Lehman, who had wanted to write the “Hitchcock picture to end all Hitchcock pictures.” With this film, I think he succeeded.
This film was the only film of Hitchcock’s storied career to be released by MGM and the creative differences between the director and the studio began from the start of filming and lasted throughout. MGM and Hitchcock disagreed on a number of issues, including the casting of the female lead and the editing of the film. MGM had wanted North by Northwest to be trimmed down by about 15 minutes to make it less than two hours in length. Hitchcock had absolute control over the cut through his contract, however, and refused the request. The studio also wanted Cyd Charisse for the role that Hitchcock gave to Eva Marie Saint.
Cary Grant stars as Roger Thornhill, an advertising executive working on Madison Avenue. One day Thornhill is mistaken for a government agent and whisked away by two men. He is taken to a house, where he is forced into the staging of a deadly accident. Through a wild and alarming chase sequence in which Thornhill drives drunk down careening roads, he manages to escape his quandary and land in the loving hands of the law.Posted by Memmo at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Alfred Hitchcock, Movies, North by Northwest
Engaged in a cupcake fight during her early birthday bash held at Los Angeles' Les Deux nightclub on Tuesday night, February 19, Rihanna apparently has an early birthday present for herself. The R&B singer, who turned 20 on February 20, has reportedly bought herself seven paintings by pop cartoonist Todd Goldman.
One of the seven paintings that Rihanna bought was the so-called "Fat Kids Are Harder To Kidnap". The songbird and several of her friends were photographed in front of it at the Grove's Jack Gallery in Los Angeles on Saturday night, February 16.
The other pieces of artwork by Todd that Rihanna bought including "Goodbye Kitty in a Microwave," "Gold Digger Like a Hooker Just Smarter," "My Mom Says Not to Run Scissors," "Barbie is a Slut," "A Salt with a Deadly Weapon," and "Smurf Blue Balls."
"Half of the paintings are going to her house in L.A. and half to her apartment in NYC," JustJared quoted an unnamed source as saying.
In other Rihanna news, she reportedly is set to be honored with a national holiday in her home country of Barbados, with the Caribbean island will declare Thursday, February 21 "Rihanna Day." Is said to feel really flattered with it, she will fly out to Barbados to accept the honor and perform a free concert. She reportedly will be accompanied on the trip by rumored boyfriend Chris Brown.
Posted by Memmo at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Music, Rihanna, Todd Goldman
Here's the week's playlist, with an African, Jungle sound to them:
1. Heart it Races - Architecture In Helsinki
2. Picture of Jesus - Ben Harper
3. Blessed to Be A Witness - Ben Harper
4. Earth Intruders - Bjork
5. Black Tambourine - Beck
6. Clap Hands - Beck
7. Send Me on My Way - Rusted Root
8. With My Own Two Hands - Jack Johnson
9. King Without a Crown - Matisyahu
10. Multiply - Jamie Lidell
Posted by Memmo at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Jungle 2 Jungle
According to sources, Indiana Basketball head coach Kelvin Sampson will wake up Saturday morning without a job. Sampson has been under fire because he committed recruiting violations while and then lied about them to investigators from the NCAA and Indiana University. The official announcement will be made sometime Friday and school officials say no decision has been reached, however several sources close to the team are saying that Sampson will be out.
It's not been announced yet whether Sampson will be suspended for the remainder of the season or fired. Athletic Director, Rick Greenspan, broke the news to the team Thursday night that Sampson would be gone for at least the rest of the season. After the team meeting, players were visibly upset by the decision.
All signs point to Indiana assistant Dan Dakich, a former Hoosier player and assistant coach under Bob Knight, taking the reins for the remainder of the season. The move comes just eight days after the NCAA announced its findings that Sampson had committed five major rules violations.
A school investigation last year revealed that Sampson and his assistants had made more than 100 impermissible calls, but the school had previously contended that the violations were secondary in nature. Sampson was already on NCAA probation when he took the Indiana job for making 577 improper phone calls between 2000 and 2004 while the coach at Oklahoma.
Sampson's deal includes termination clauses for violations of university or NCAA rules that eliminate the payments, but two Indianapolis attorneys have told The Associated Press that firing Sampson now may not be enough to prevent the school from paying out at least $2.5 million.
Posted by Memmo at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kelvin Sampson
Lisa Lynette Clark, the Georgia gigolette, who went to jail for playing with jail bait is free to play again. (Fox News)A Georgia woman who married a 15-year-old boy and later had his child has been released from prison after serving two years for helping her teenage husband flee from authorities.
Lisa Lynette Clark was released from the Metro State Prison in south DeKalb County, Ga., before 10 a.m. Friday.
Officials with the state Department of Corrections said Clark was to report immediately to the probation office in Douglas County. That's where she pleaded guilty to aiding her teenage husband's flight out of state in February 2006. The teen had been on probation for a burglary. Authorities caught him within two weeks and brought him back to Georgia.
Officials said she is banned from Hall and Dawson counties.
On Nov. 8, 2005, Clark, who was then 37, and her teenage lover were married by a retired Dawson County probate judge in the driveway of his home. They took advantage of a legal loophole that allowed a minor to marry without permission from a parent or guardian if the bride is pregnant.
Georgia's state law sets the marrying age at 16, but had allowed an exception for younger people to marry if the bride was pregnant. The law was changed in 2006, and now 16- and 17-year-olds can wed only with the approval of a parent or guardian and a probate judge.
Hall County authorities arrested Clark the next day on charges of sexually molesting a minor.
Clark gave birth while behind bars and agreed to leave the child with foster parents in Douglas County.
Governor Perdue signed legislation in April 2006 closing a loophole in state law that allowed couples of any age to get married without parental consent in the case of a pregnancy.
Posted by Memmo at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Lisa Lynette Clark, Police
Posted by Memmo at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: How to drive, Range Rover, Range Rover Sport, Videos
At 6:16 am today a strong earthquake has struck northeast Nevada. According to the U.S. Geological Survey says the earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.3 and at a depth of 6.2 miles below the surface. The epicenter of the Nevada earthquake was about 150 miles from Salt Lake City, Utah.
Elko County Undersheriff Rocky Gonzalez said there are unconfirmed reports of damage to buildings. Las Vegas, the gambling capital of the world, has not reported any damage, however, reports estimate that over 2 million people in Nevada, Utah, Southern California and Idaho felt the earthquake. So far no injuries have been reported as a result of the Nevada earthquake.
Posted by Memmo at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nevada, Nevada earthquake
BELGRADE, Serbia -- Serb rioters set fire to an office inside the U.S. Embassy Thursday and police clashed with protesters outside other embassy buildings after a large demonstration against Kosovo's declaration of independence.
Masked attackers broke into the U.S. compound, which has been closed this week, and tried to throw furniture from an office. They set fire to the office and flames shot up the side of the building. Fire trucks arrived after the rioters had fled and swiftly put out the fire.
Serbia's President Boris Tadic, on an official visit to Romania, appealed for calm and urged the protesters to stop the attacks and move away from the streets. Tadic said that violence was "damaging" Serbia's efforts to defend Kosovo, which declared its independence from Belgrade on Sunday.
More than a dozen nations have recognized Kosovo's declaration of independence, including the United States, Britain, France and Germany. But the declaration by Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leadership has been rejected by Serbia's government and the ethnic Serbians who populate northern Kosovo.
For several days, Kosovo's Serbs have shown their anger by destroying U.N. and NATO property, setting off small bombs and staging noisy rallies.
On Thursday, the neighboring Croatian Embassy also was targeted by the same group of protesters at the U.S. Embassy, and smaller groups attacked police posts outside the Turkish and British embassies in another part of the city but were beaten back.
Elite police paramilitaries drove armored jeeps down the street outside the U.S. Embassy and fired dozens of tear gas canisters to clear crowds. The protesters fled into side streets where they continued clashing with the police.
Groups also broke into a McDonald's restaurant and demolished the interior. A number of other shops were also ransacked and people were seen carrying off running shoes, track suits and other sporting goods from a department store.
Doctors at Belgrade's emergency clinic reported treating more than 30 injured, half of whom were policemen. All were lightly injured, said Dusan Jovanovic, deputy chief of the clinic, adding that most of the injured protesters were "extremely drunk."
In Washington, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the U.S. ambassador to Serbia was at his home and in contact with U.S. officials. Security officials and Marine guards were in a different part of the compound, but nobody was inside the embassy building, he said.
"We want to strongly urge them, and we are in contact with them, to make sure that they devote the assets to deal with this situation," McCormack told reporters, referring to the Serbian government.
Serbia has "a responsibility now to devote the adequate resources to ensure that that facility is protected," he said.
Kosovo, which is 90 percent ethnic Albanian, has not been under Belgrade's control since 1999, when NATO launched airstrikes to halt a Serbian crackdown on ethnic Albanian separatists. A U.N. mission has governed Kosovo since, with more than 16,000 NATO troops and KFOR, a multiethnic force, policing the province.
But Serbia _ and Kosovo's Serbs, who make up less than 10 percent of Kosovo's population _ refuse to give up Kosovo, a territory considered the ancient cradle of Serbs' state and religion.
Earlier Thursday, police estimated that about 150,000 people had attended a rally in the Serbian capital. The crowd waved Serbian flags and carried signs reading "Stop USA terror." One group set fire to a red-and-black Albanian flag.
Posted by Memmo at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Popular Mexican singer Jesus Rey David Alfaro was found murdered also with his manager and assistant. Alfaro, known as The Little Rooster, and six others were tortured, murdered and pinned with messages for the Mexican army.
The musicians, who sing “narcocorrido” songs glorifying drug traffickers, were the latest murdered in the drug war between Tijuana’s main drug trafficking group Arellano Felix and traffickers lead by Joaquin “Shorty” Guzman. At least 6 other “narcocorrido” singers have been murdered in the war.
“We believe Alfaro had links to the Arellano Felix cartel,” said an official.
A note reading “You’ll be next” was pinned to Alfaro’s body. He was found in a wasteland on the edge of Tijuana. Rope marks could be seen on his neck. Officials say they believe he Alfaro was tortured before he was shot in the head.
Posted by Memmo at 1:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jesus Rey David Alfaro
Posted by Memmo at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Atlantis, NASA, Shuttle landing
Megan is about to compete at the inaugural ConocoPhillips Short Course National Championships in Atlanta, GA. This meet is a first for USA Swimming and has displaced the US Open in the quad calendar. (The US Open will now take place in the summer). For the psych sheet, news, and results, keep an eye on the news page for all the latest.
Posted by Memmo at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Megan Romano
Canadian skies were mostly clear for Wednesday's lunar eclipse, the full moon bright in the sky as Earth's shadow crawled out from the left of the glowing sphere, ultimately turning it pale orange. Starting at 8:42 p.m. ET (7:43 p.m. CT, 6:43 p.m. MT and 5:43 p.m. PT) and lasting for three hours, the last total lunar eclipse before 2010 was visible anywhere in North America lucky enough to have clear skies, according to NASA. It was also visible in Europe and Africa.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth's shadow blocks the sun's rays from hitting the moon. The three bodies must be perfectly aligned during a full moon, a rare event because the orbits of the moon and Earth are not on the same plane.
What began around 8:30 p.m. as a faint hint of darkness at the bottom left of the moon's visible surface turned to almost complete darkness by about 9:30 p.m. The moon was completely shadowed around 10 p.m., appearing with an orange hue.
The lunar colour show lasted for about 50 minutes before turning dark brown, then returning to its usual glow.
In close proximity to the moon were the evening's other two bright lights, the planet Saturn and Regulus, a bright star. Together, the three bodies created a stunning triangle.
According to NASA's Laura Motel, the exact color of an eclipsed moon depends on the amount of dust and clouds in the atmosphere.
"If there are extra particles in the atmosphere, from say a recent volcanic eruption, the moon will appear a darker shade of red," Motel wrote in a news release.
Science centres across the country, including the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto and University of Calgary's Rothney Astrophysical Observatory, hosted free viewing parties, offering telescopes for eclipse enthusiasts to view the proceedings up close.
Posted by Memmo at 1:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Lunar eclipse
When Wendy Wilson's neighbor suggested she look into a casting call for ABC's "Supernanny," Wilson said she wasn't the slightest bit insulted.
"I said, 'No offense taken,'" Wilson told the Daily News. "I was definitely overwhelmed and there were a few questions in my mind on how to handle the older kids while dealing with infants. I did want some direction."
Wilson, of the multiplatinum trio Wilson Phillips, and her husband, Dan Knutson, have four children: Leo, 4; Beau, 3, and 6-week-old twins Will and Jesse. With the new babies in the house, the toddlers began to regress and both Wilson and Knutson were exhausted. Also, Wilson had a tour with sister Carnie planned and she worried about leaving her children for an extended period of time.
Though Wilson had seen a few episodes of "Supernanny" before allowing cameras into her home, she said she didn't know what to expect from the Supernanny herself, Jo Frost.
"I did not have any clue as to what her observation of us would be like, and that was part of the intrigue," said Wilson, who will be seen Wednesday night at 9 on ABC. "She definitely steered us into a better direction and gave us some great pointers. It was like a gift given to our family."
In the episode, Wilson admits that her parenting skills could be stricter but because of her liberal upbringing with father, Beach Boy Brian Wilson, she's a bit of a pushover.
"I really wasn't expecting to go into a therapy session," Wilson said of opening up about her father. "That part was a little bit difficult for me."
Since filming, Wilson says that she and Carnie did go on a small tour and that being away from her kids was "like torture" and "a little bit of a vacation," and that she and her husband have really latched on to some of the ideas that Frost brought into their home.
"Structure is a big one, and being prepared," said Wilson. "As well as trusting your instincts at all times, because they're usually dead-on."
Wilson and her family do plan to watch the show when it airs tomorrow, but "we're a little scared," said Wilson. "I think I'll have a blanket over my head."
And as for more children in her future?
"Absolutely not," Wilson said. "Four is plenty. I feel like right now, it's already really hard to give attention to all these children equally. Plus, the fact is I can't have more children because I had my tubes tied. That was it. I'm done."
Posted by Memmo at 1:26 AM 1 comments
Labels: Supernanny, Wendy Wilson
"Baby, Please Don't Go" is a song by Big Joe Williams originally released in 1935. It has been covered by many blues and rock artists, including AC/DC, Aerosmith, Amboy Dukes, Budgie, Zakk Wylde's Pride & Glory, Paul Butterfield, The Doors, Bob Dylan, Lightnin' Hopkins, Al Kooper, John Mellencamp, Van Morrison, Ted Nugent, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Paul Revere & the Raiders, Taste, Them, Muddy Waters, and Bill Wyman.
This song explains why a man begs his wife (perhaps his girlfriend) to come back, and what the man does for loneliless if his wife/girlfriend leaves him.
Posted by Memmo at 1:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baby, Music, Please Don't Go
A Bill that seeks to criminalise female genital mutilation was presented in Parliament yesterday. If enacted, a person found guilty of engaging in the practice is liable to imprisonment of between seven to 10 years or a fine of not less than sh1m.
The Bill defines female genital mutilation as violation or attempted violation of the physical integrity of the female organ, either by total or partial ablation, excision, infibulations or desensitisation.
MPs on the parliamentary forum on population, food security and development, together with members of the Uganda Women�s Parliamentarians, supported the draft Bill.
�The practice is the worst form of abuse against women. It is crude and painful and it must stop,� said Margaret Baba Diri (NRM).
The document was drafted by Dora Byamukama, the director of the Law and Advocacy for Women in Uganda.
According to the draft Bill, an offender who is a member of the medical field risks losing their licence if they engage in the act.
The document does not consider beliefs, custom, tradition, ritual or consent as valid defense. The MPs, however, called for a death penalty if the victim dies.
The sh1m fine is nothing, death should be the ultimate penalty,� said Christopher Kibanzanga (FDC).
Grace Oburu (NRM) said the punishments were not prohibitive enough. She called for tougher laws.
Posted by Memmo at 1:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Female circumcision
The Vicki Iseman-John McCain Allegations Aren’t the First Scandals Involving 2008 Presidential Candidates
Other Scandals Involving Candidates Include Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards
Complete Listing of DBKP Stories Involving the Candidates and Alleged Improper Behavior
DBKP Library of Political Scandals
DBKP stories involving 2008 Presidential Candidates
* Vicki Isemin-John McCain
* Hillary Clinton-Huma Abedin
* Barack Obama-Larry Sinclair
* John Edwards-Rielle Hunter
Posted by Memmo at 1:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Vicki Iseman
Where the Boys Are (1960) is an American motion picture comedy, written by George Wells and based on the novel by Glendon Swarthout, about four Midwestern college co-eds who spend spring break in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The film was originally intended for the teen market, featuring sun, sand and romance.
Where the Boys Are was one of the first teen films to explore adolescent sexuality and changing American sexual mores and attitudes among college youth. Given the censorship of the day, the audience is never sure of exactly what happened to Yvette Mimieux's character in the motel room. But the story is focused on the "coming of age" of the Dolores Hart character. Thus, the film ends with a melancholy rather than a laugh. Released in the wintertime, the film inspired thousands more American college students to head to Fort Lauderdale for their annual spring break.
Veteran cowboy actor Chill Wills plays the veteran Police Chief of Fort Lauderdale. His opening speech sets the tone for the whole movie. George Hamilton plays a reluctant rich kid, and Jim Hutton who plays a wacky college kid with a penchant for hats.
The kind of cool modern jazz (or west coast jazz) popularized by such acts as Dave Brubeck, Gerry Mulligan, and Chico Hamilton, then in the vanguard of the college music market, features in a number of set pieces, as well as pop star Connie Francis, who had her introductory role as an actress in this film. Her popular title song (written by Neil Sedaka) played over the opening credits.
In the years since its release, Where the Boys Are has gradually acquired cult status, and together with the collegiate film High Time is today appreciated as a virtual time capsule of the emerging postwar Baby Boom generation, their relationship with the older generation, and the changing lifestyles of 1960s America.
An unsuccessful remake, Where the Boys Are '84, was made in 1984 by TriStar Pictures. TriStar's parent company, Sony Pictures Entertainment, led a partnership that acquired MGM in 2005; however, the rights to this film (along with the rest of the pre-1986 MGM library) are now owned by Warner Bros. and its subsidiary Turner Entertainment.
Posted by Memmo at 1:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Where the Boys Are
“A Groovy Kind of Love” is a pop song written by Toni Wine and Carole Bayer Sager. It is heavily based on the Rondo movement of Sonatina in G major, op. 36 no. 5 by Muzio Clementi.
The song was released first by Diane & Annita in 1965. The same year, The Mindbenders released it as their debut single and reached #2 in the UK charts.
In 1988, Phil Collins covered the song for the movie Buster. The Mindbenders' version reached number two on the Billboard Hot 100 and on the UK Singles Chart; Collins's version went one better, hitting #1 in both the U.S. and UK charts. The song is also played in the Friends television episode “The One with the Wedding Part 2”.
Posted by Memmo at 1:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: A Groovy Kind of Love
Kim Zimmer (born February 2, 1955 in Grand Rapids, Michigan) is an American actress.
Zimmer is married to actor/director A.C. Weary, and they have three children - two boys and one girl, Rachel. Her son, Jake Weary, is also an actor; he appeared on As The World Turns as Luke Snyder in 2005 as well as various guest roles, including a role on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.
Zimmer graduated from Forest Hills Central High School in Ada Township, MI, which is just East of Grand Rapids. She then studied at Hope College in Holland, Michigan and at American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco.
Posted by Memmo at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kim Zimmer
GYROTONIC (also known as the Gyrotonic Expansion System or GXS) is an exercise system created by Juliu Horvath, an ethnic Hungarian born in Romania. Horvath, who was trained as a ballet dancer, sought asylum in the United States in the 1960s and developed the Gyrotonic system there, after an injured Achilles tendon brought his dance career to a halt. He began to practice yoga, and developed a system called "Yoga for Dancers", which eventually evolved into GYROKINESIS.
GYROTONIC exercises employ movements found in swimming, yoga, gymnastics, and tai chi, using specialized machines developed by Horvath. The system is intended to improve flexibility and balance as well as muscle strength, and to increase overall flexibility and mobility in joints. It has been compared to and contrasted with Pilates but offers much more flexion.
After starting in New York City, Master Trainers and Trainers have established studios in locations across the globe, including San Francisco, Seattle, Rio de Janeiro, London, and Paris. It is widely used by dancers, athletes, and in rehabilitation facilities, as well as for general conditioning for all walks of life.
Posted by Memmo at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gyrotonic, Gyrotonics
Alleged footage of Gene Simmons having sex with a blonde model has hit the internet. The black and white clip shows what appears to be Simmons in bed with an Australia model named Elsa.
It is believed that the tape was made when the 58-year-old rocker was promoting Frank’s Energy Drink. Elsa also reportedly worked for the drink company.
A website has posted the video for viewers to buy and download. The site says that the woman in the tape is not Simmons’ longtime partner, former Playboy model Shannon Tweed. The pair has been partners for over 20 years and has two children, 19-year-old Nicholas and 15-year-old Sophie.
Posted by Memmo at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gene simmons sex tape
Click here to view live coverage of the return of the Space Shuttle Atlantis.
Landing is scheduled for 8:07.
Posted by Memmo at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Shuttle landing
The word is that former middle school teacher Allenna Williams Ward will be sentenced on Feb. 19 for criminal sexual misconduct with underaged teenage boys.Read more at
Ward is a former language arts teacher at the Bell Street Middle School in Clinton, South Carolina. Her story hit the news last year when it was revealed that Ward had been charged with having sexual contact with 5 boys between the ages of 14 and 15, some of whom were her students.
Posted by Memmo at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Allenna Ward
As NASCAR Sprint Cup drivers strap in for the 2008 season, Atlanta Motor Speedway prepares to offer tickets to the March 9 Kobalt Tools 500 for what could be the lowest price in track history.
Starting at 9 a.m. next Monday, Feb. 18, fans will have the opportunity to purchase Kobalt Tools 500 tickets, normally priced at $100, for the price of the winning car number of Sunday's Daytona 500.
One thousand tickets in rows 14 through 26 of the frontstretch Winners Grandstand will be available at this special discounted price while they last. Each purchase will be limited to a maximum of 10 tickets.
After the initial 1,000 tickets are sold, fans will receive a $10 discount off each frontstretch grandstand ticket purchased Monday or Tuesday until 5 p.m. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Atlanta Motor Speedway ticket office at 877-9-AMS-TIX, (877-926-7849), 770-946-4211, or by visiting the ticket office.
"It's very simple," said AMS president and general manager Ed Clark. "If Martin Truex Jr., drives the No.1 Bass Pro Shops Chevrolet to victory, fans can purchase a $100 ticket for $1.
"The last six cars to win the Daytona 500 have all carried numbers of 48 or lower," Clark continued. "This is a great opportunity for 1,000 fans to pick up one of the best seats to the Kobalt Tools 500 for a fraction of the regular price. "
More information on this promotion and the Kobalt Tools 500 can be obtained by visiting, or by calling the ticket office at 877-9-AMS-TIX, (877-926-7849) or 770-946-4211.
Source: Atlanta Motor Speedway News
Posted by Memmo at 2:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Atlanta Motor Speedway, NASCAR, Tickets
Because he led the U.S. effort in the wholesale annihilation of the Navajo nation and its 300-mile death march known as "Long Walk," Kit Carson is remembered by some as everything bad about the country's Westward expansion.
But Carson, who had nothing to do with the myths created about him in cheap novels, was a former trapper well versed in tribal ways who was accepted by many chieftains and married an Arapaho woman. The complexities of Carson, who helped track what became the Oregon Trail, is the subject of a new "American Experience" (CPTV, 9 p.m.).
Posted by Memmo at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cowboy, Kit Carson
Find the location of person like from which town or state or country that he/she is Googling your name. Before knowing the only other way I know was with Google Alerts which send you a mail of the search made but not the geographic information that you want. Ziggs is a free service and claims it will pinpoint the location of person Googling you from any part of the world.
Posted by Memmo at 2:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ziggs - The Dolphins' Jason Taylor became one of the top pass-rushers by developing his footwork against blockers. Now, he's ready to take his game to a different level on a different platform, as reported by
Taylor was officially announced Monday night as the first active NFL player to be a participant in ABC's Dancing With the Stars. Jerry Rice was the first former player to be a contestant. Former Cowboy Emmitt Smith followed.
Posted by Memmo at 2:32 AM 0 comments
The new reality TV competition series My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad which was originally scheduled to debut on Monday, February 18 from 8 PM to 9 PM on NBC has been moved back an hour to 9 PM to 10 PM. An original episode of Deal or No Deal will air in the 8 PM to 9 PM time slot to provide a strong lead-in for My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad.
My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad is a fun-filled, family-friendly competition series from the producers of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader and The Biggest Loser. The show is hosted by Dan Cortese of MTV Sports fame. In the series, dads will compete with their kids in a series of unique challenges. In addition to bragging rights, the winning dad will receive money for his child’s future.
Next week, the show will shift into its regular 8 PM to 9PM time period on Monday nights.
Photo Credit: NBC
Posted by Memmo at 2:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad, NBC
Dan Cortese (born September 14, 1967 in Sewickley, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) is an American actor. Dan has been married to "Alexandra Resendes" since October 18, 1993. They have 2 kids together, Kassaundra and Matthew. They will be expecting their Third child in approximetaly one month.
Prior to becoming an actor, he was a walk-on member of the University of North Carolina football team. His freshman year he traveled with the team to the Aloha Bowl. He graduated with a B.A. in Broadcasting from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Cortese first came to prominence as host of MTV Sports from 1992 to 1997. He has had starring roles in the 1993 remake of Route 66, Traps, Melrose Place, The Single Guy, Veronica's Closet(in which he played "Perry" for three seasons), Rock Me Baby, and Ball & Chain. Cortese appeared in the NBC television series Seinfeld, where he played Tony, Elaine's ultra-cool, vapid, good-looking boyfriend. In the episode, he was dubbed a "mimbo" (a male bimbo). He was also featured in the WB television series What I Like About You in a recurring role as Vic, Val's husband, and in several episodes of 8 Simple Rules, playing Bridget's tennis coach. He has also starred in the natural horror film Locusts: The 8th Plague
During "Your Way, Right Away" campaign at Burger King during the 1990s, Burger King hired Dan Cortese as their official spokesperson. Cortese would often be seen visiting with Burger King customers and getting them flame grilled whoppers, customized to their liking. He would also been seen hanging out in the back, grilling burgers with Burger King workers. He was then given the nickname of "Dan Dan: The Whopper Man" in the commercials.
Posted by Memmo at 2:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dan Cortese
Patricide is (i) the act of killing one's father, or (ii) a person who kills his or her father. The word patricide derives from the Latin word pater (father) and the Latin suffix -cida (cutter or killer). Patricide is a sub-form of parricide, which is defined as an act of killing a close relative.
Compare with parricide (the killing of any close relative), matricide (the killing of one's mother), filicide (the killing of a child by his or her parent), fratricide (the killing of one's sibling, in particular a brother-compare to sororicide), regicide (the killing of a monarch), suicide (killing oneself) and homicide (killing another person).
Posted by Memmo at 2:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Patricide
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a single-seat, single-engine, stealth-capable military strike fighter, a multi-role aircraft that can perform close air support, tactical bombing, and air-to-air combat. The F-35 is descended from the X-35 of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program. Its development is being principally funded by the United States with the United Kingdom and other partner governments providing additional funding. It is being designed and built by an aerospace industry team led by Lockheed Martin with Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems as major partners. Demonstrator aircraft flew in 2000, with the production model first flying on 15 December 2006. The United States Air Force plans to acquire 1,763 aircraft.
Posted by Memmo at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: F-35 Lightning II, Plane
Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) was accused of plagiarism by Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign after using a phrase from a speech given by Gov. Deval Patrick (D-MA) two years ago.
At Obama's Milwaukee Founder’s Day Dinner Saturday, he responded to Senator Clinton’s claims that he is all talk and cannot produce results with just speeches.
Obama responded, by saying to the Wisconsin Democrats:
“Don’t tell me words don’t matter! ‘I have a dream.’ Just words. ‘We hold these truths to be self evident that all me are created equal.’ Just words. ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’ Just words. Just speeches. It’s true that speeches don’t solve all problems, but what is also true is if we cannot inspire the country to believe again then it doesn’t matter how many policies and plans we have and that is why I am running for president of the United States of America and that is why we just won eight elections straight, because the American people want to believe in change again. Don’t tell me words don’t matter.”
Patrick said nearly the same thing in October of 2006 when he was running for office.
Obama said that the accusation was blown out of proportion. He said that he and Patrick are friends that share ideas and speak frequently.
According to Patrick, the two are friends and Patrick has accompanied Obama on the campaign trail before.
“Sen. Obama and I are longtime friends and allies," said Patrick via statement. "We often share ideas about politics, policy and language."
"The argument in question, on the value of words in the public square, is one about which he and I have spoken frequently before," continued Patrick. "Given the recent attacks from Sen. Clinton, I applaud him [for] responding in just the way he did.”
Posted by Memmo at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Clinton, Obama Plagiarism, Politics
The Pittsburgh school district is sitting on 12,000 pounds of beef that has been recalled.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is calling back 143 million pounds of frozen beef from a Southern California slaughterhouse that's being investigated for mistreating cattle.
The action tops a 1999 ban of 35 million pounds of ready-to-eat meats.Pittsburgh Public Schools spokeswoman Ebony Pugh said some of the beef from a Southern California slaughterhouse had already been eaten by students. But there have been no reports of illnesses.
Posted by Memmo at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Beef Recall
There's quite a bit of smoke coming from several LSU message boards indicating that QB Ryan Perrilloux has left the Tigers football team.
While I have to urge a HUGE grain of salt, the reports go something like this....
Due to an ongoing dispute between Perrilloux's mother and LSU -- potentially stemming from Ryan's mother trying to shake down the school -- the projected starting quarterback has cleaned out his locker and left the team. Perrilloux reportedly missed a team meeting this week, but his absence is clouded by reports that Perrilloux was attending his father's funeral.The only aspect that does not seem to be in dispute is that Ryan Perrilloux has cleaned out his locker.
Posted by Memmo at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Football, LSU football team, Ryan Perrilloux, Sports
The Cornell University junior was in his dorm between classes when the text message came in from a friend. Check out, it said.
The student found his name on the website beside a rambling, filthy passage about his sexual exploits, posted by an anonymous student on campus. The young man could only hope the commentary was so ridiculous nobody would believe it.
"I thought, 'Is this going to affect my job employment? Is this going to make people on campus look at me? Are people going to talk about me behind my back?" said the student, who asked not to be identified. He also wondered about his 11-year-old sister, who is spending more time on the Internet. "What if she Googles me? What will she think about her big brother?" he said.
Posted by Memmo at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Juicy Campus
Carol Creighton Burnett (born April 26, 1933 in San Antonio, Texas) is an Emmy Award-winning actress, comedian, singer, dancer, and writer. Burnett started her career in New York. After becoming a hit on Broadway, she debuted on television. After successful appearances on The Garry Moore Show, Carol moved to Los Angeles and began an eleven-year run on the highly acclaimed The Carol Burnett Show which was aired on CBS television from 1967 to 1978. With roots in vaudeville, The Carol Burnett Show was a variety show combining comedy sketches, song, and dance. The comedy sketches ranged from movie parodies to character pieces which featured the many talents of Burnett herself who created and played several well-known and distinctive characters.
Posted by Memmo at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Carol Burnett, Carol Burnett Show
BOISE - Plan to run the Race to Robie Creek? Get ready for a nice peaceful jaunt. For the first time, personal music devices -- including the ubiquitous iPod -- will be outlawed.
The 2008 event is set for April 19 - starting near Fort Boise, over Aldape summitt and ending at Robie Creek Park in Boise County.
The event's website notes the change - and puts the blame on USA Track & Field - the orginization that sanctions the race, and provides insurance.
Race organizer Brian Rencher told the Associated Press that the change is a safety issue.
"Race officials don't ban headphones to be mean to runners — it's for their own safety and that of everyone else in the race," says Gerweck, a member of the USATF Long Distance Running sub-comittee studying enforcement of the ban.
In case you're curious - cell phones, TVs, DVD players and computers are also banned on the race course. So don't tote along your computer.
Registration for the race begins Monday. There are 2,431 spots available, which are expected to sell out quickly.
Posted by Memmo at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: iPods, Race, Robie Creek
Lindsay Lohan is naked again, this time remaking the famous Marilyn Monroe nude photo shoot entitled "The Last Sitting" for the New York Magazine. Wearing nothing but a blond wig and covered by a pink scarf, the pop star is gracing the cover of the latest issue of the New York Magazine. The photo shoot, where Lindsay Lohan appears topless on all pictures, was done by famed photographer Bert Stern, who also shot Monroe’s "The Last Sitting" in 1962. Monroe was found dead from an apparent drugs overdose just six weeks after the famous shoot.
"I didn’t have to put much thought into it. I mean, Bert Stern? Doing a Marilyn shoot? When is that ever going to come up? It’s really an honor," said the young pop star, who has always been a big fan of Monroe, Lohan even purchased an apartment where Marilyn once lived.
Posted by Memmo at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Lindsay Lohan, New York Magazine
MLB proved it has a sense of humor when the Philadelphia Phillies pulled off an elaborate prank, orchestrated by pitcher Brett Myers, and “punk’d” second year rookie Kyle Kendrick.
Kendrick was called into manager Charlie Manuel’s office on Saturday and told that he had been traded to Japan for a player named “Kobayashi Iwamura,” a fictitious name which means “hot dog eater.”
The media, who was also involved in the ruse, asks Kendrick questions about being traded, as the stunned 23-year-old responds as best he can.
Posted by Memmo at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hot Dog Eater, Kobayashi Iwamura
An early morning explosion at an oil refinery owned by Dallas-based Alon USA in the west Texas town of Big Spring left employees scrambling for safety.
The explosion was felt by several of the houses and buildings in the area as it shook through the small town.
More than 170 employees work at the refinery but there have been no reports of injuries related to the explosion.
Big Spring is located about 280 miles west of Dallas.
Posted by Memmo at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Big Spring, Oil Refinery Explosion, Texas
Ron Lester, best known for his role as the portly offensive lineman Billy Bob in 1999's "Varsity Blues", has lost almost 350 pounds.
Lester, 37, tipped the scale at 509 pounds by the time he was 30 years old. Lester had been obese since the age of 5.
By late 2001, Lester successfully lost over 250 pounds. He made an appearance on The Montel Williams Show weighing around 173 pounds. He has had a gastric bypass surgery and 14 plastic surgeries to tighten and remove excess skin.
Posted by Memmo at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Billy Bob, Money, Ron Lester
A California resident who once worked briefly for Blizzard has recently divorced her husband of six years because according to her, his addiction to World of Warcraft ruined their marriage. Never having played the game herself, 28 year-old Jocelyn stated that her husband Peter’s crippling addiction to the game became more than she could handle.
“He would get home from work at 6:00, start playing at 6:30, and he’d play until three a.m. Weekends were worse — it was from morning straight through until the middle of the night. It took away all of our time that we spent together. I ceased to exist in his life.”
Having been friends with Peter since the age of 13 and married for six years, it only took a paltry nine months for the marriage to collapse after receiving the game as a gift from her.
“I bought the game for him for Christmas 2004, when it first came out. By May we had our first serious discussion about where our marriage was going, and by September I had moved out.”
Having had many discussions on the fact that WoW had taken over Peter’s life, Jocelyn tried to intervene and schedule “together” time with him - to no avail. On one such occasion, she had set aside 30 minutes to watch a favorite TV show together, but he refused because he was in the middle of a raid and could not understand why she was upset that he stood her up. Eventually, Peter’s domestic duties also began to suffer for the game as he stopped paying bills and refused to do his share of the housework.
Although a gamer herself Jocelyn has never played WoW because she recognized the fact that it was a game that would never end and therefore did not wish to play it. She also states that WoW was the sole catalyst for the divorce and is still highly emotional about its impact on her marriage.
“I’m real, and you’re giving me up for a fantasy land. You’re destroying your life, your six-year marriage, and you’re giving it up for something that isn’t even real. [Blizzard] build it in such a way that you have to keep putting more and more time into it to maintain your status. I remember thinking when I was married that it was downright exploitative to people who couldn’t control themselves in that way. It’s set up like a drug.”
Because of the emotional scars of the divorce and the reasons surrounding it, Jocelyn has stated that next time around, she will stay clear of gamers.
While this is indeed sad news for her and her ex-husband you cannot put the blame solely on WoW. Granted, it has proven to be a highly addictive game for some people, but you have to consider their personality and their choices. Someone like Peter more than likely has a mental issue and has a problem with addiction. Who is to say that he does not have some other forms of addiction as well? His addiction could as easily have been pot, liquor, porn or meth - if she were to have brought them into the house it would have been a different addiction instead of gaming. You have to go to the underlying source and peel back the layers. Was he unhappy in his marriage to begin with? Was he miserable at his job? Was he highly depressed? Was this form of escape a way to keep from coping with the living hell that his life had become? All of these plus family history can become contributing factors to any sort of addiction.
During her interview with Yahoo! Games, Joycelyn never stated or hinted around about counseling. Did the two of them ever discuss the possibility of therapy? Did she ever consider canceling their internet service, his Blizzard account and throwing his WoW disc in the trash? No one knows the full story of why their marriage collapsed or if anything was done to try and salvage it other than “together time” to watch TV. We may never know, but while this news is indeed sad for the both of them, I mostly feel sorry for Peter because he needs help before his life becomes a vicious cycle of self-loathing and addiction to something worse than a video game. Blaming it all on WoW is just ignorance.
Posted by Memmo at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Posted by Memmo at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cars, Future car, Skateboard
Afghanistan - A suicide bomber blew himself up in a large crowd of people gathered at a dog fighting festival just outside this city in southern Afghanistan, killing some 80 people and wounding nearly 100 more.Read more at
Posted by Memmo at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Afghan Suicide Bombing, Afghanistan, World
Kosovo Independence
Ethnic Albanians are celebrating in the streets as Kosovo prepares to formally declare its independence later. A new flag and national crest is expected to be revealed at a special sitting on parliament. Serbia and Russia are opposed to the move and are pressuring the UN Security to become involved.
Serbia vs Kososvo
Serbia won t tolerate being divided: FM - Serbia has told the UN Security Council it will use all economic, diplomatic and political means to stop Kosovo becoming independent. Serbia s Foreign Minister, Vuk Jeremic, explained his country s position to RT.
Posted by Memmo at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kosovo flag, Kosovo independence, Kosovo map, Serbia divided
Kansas City International Airport (IATA: MCI, ICAO: KMCI, FAA LID: MCI), originally named Mid-Continent International Airport, is a public airport located 15 miles (24 km) northwest of the central business district of Kansas City, in Platte County, Missouri, United States. In 2007 11.3 million passengers used the airport.
Kansas City International was ranked No. 1 among medium-size airports in the J.D. Power and Associates 2007 North America Airport Satisfaction Study (receiving five out of five stars in all categories except baggage claim in which it got four) The study considers an airport mid-size when it handles a capacity of 10 to 30 million passengers a year.
Kansas City International Airport currently serves as an airline hub for Midwest Airlines.
The airport has always been a civilian airport and has never had an Air National Guard unit assigned to it unlike many major comparable sized airports.
Posted by Memmo at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Airport, Kansas City International Airport, KCI
A Beautiful Mind is a 2001 American biographical film about John Forbes Nash, the Nobel Laureate (Economics) mathematician. The film was directed by Ron Howard and written by Akiva Goldsman. It was inspired by a bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-nominated 1998 book of the same name by Sylvia Nasar. The film stars Russell Crowe, along with Jennifer Connelly, Ed Harris and Paul Bettany.
The story begins in the early years of Nash's life at Princeton University as he develops his "original idea" that will revolutionize the world of mathematics. Later, Nash develops schizophrenia and endures paranoid and delusional episodes while painfully watching the loss and burden his condition brings on his wife and friends.
The film opened in US cinemas on December 21, 2001. It was well received by critics, and went on to win four Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actress. It was also nominated for Best Leading Actor, Best Editing, Best Makeup, and Best Score. The film has been criticized for its inaccurate portrayal of some aspects of Nash's life.
Posted by Memmo at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: A Beautiful Mind, Movies
Are you single, wealthy, and beautiful? Are you tired of wading through the seemingly endless supply of ugly, poor single people who are desperate to get a piece of your good looks and finances? Then Seeking Millionaire is just the dating site you're looking for!
While some people consider it shallow to assess a potential mate based solely on looks and wealth, we at Seeking Millionaire understand that wealth and beauty are the only assets that truly matter, and we know you wouldn't settle for anything less than perfect in your mate.
Our rigorous selection standards ensure that you won't be bothered by messages from average singles. Only genuinely beautiful people and millionaires or people who make at least $100,000 per annum are allowed into our pool of desirable singles.
So if you are rich, beautiful, and single, apply today. The illusion of happiness is waiting for you!
Posted by Memmo at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dating site, Seeking Millionaire
Ainsley Earhardt is a correspondent for the Fox News Channel, where she provides live news cut-ins during the weekend morning shows (FOX and Friends) and at night Monday through Wednesday. Earhardt also reports for FOX's Hannity's America on Sunday nights.
She joined the network in 2007 after being a weekday news anchor at KENS-TV in San Antonio, Texas. Earhardt anchored weekday newscasts of KENS 5 Eyewitness News This Morning (5 AM-7:30 AM) and KENS 5 Eyewitness News at Noon. She worked for WLTX 19, a CBS station in Columbia, South Carolina from 2000 to 2004. While at that network, viewers voted Earhardt "Best Personality of the Year" in Columbia Metropolitan Magazine.
Earhardt graduated from Columbia, SC's Spring Valley High School in 1995. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of South Carolina and has received the Outstanding Carolina Alumni Award.
Earhardt is also a guest contributor on the Fox News show, Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld.
On April 9, 2005, Ainsley married Kevin W. McKinney in Columbia, South Carolina.
Posted by Memmo at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ainsley Earhardt, Fox News
Can Dale Earnhardt Jr. stay hot?
One of the top restrictor-plate drivers won last weekend's Bud Shootout and one of Thursday's qualifying races. He starts third today, debuting for Hendrick Motorsports after he left his stepmother's team. He had his worst season last year. Will a Cup title run start today?
Busch vs. Stewart battle
Kurt Busch and Tony Stewart have a history of altercations, the latest Feb. 9, when Stewart reportedly punched Busch in the face in a NASCAR hauler. They were both put on probation, but that means very little.
Open-wheeler rookies
Former IRL champs Dario Franchitti (starting 40th) and Sam Hornish Jr. (19th) make their NASCAR debuts. Don't expect much from the Dodge drivers. Daytona requires a lot of drafting, difficult for first-timers.
Joe Gibbs and his new Toyotas
Hendrick's Dream Team of Jeff Gordon, Jimmie Johnson and Earnhardt Jr. steal the headlines, but Gibbs has a fantastic trio of Stewart, Denny Hamlin and Hendrick castoff Kyle Busch. Will they work out the kinks of a switch from Chevys to Toyotas?
Introducing the car of today
Last year it was the Car of Tomorrow; now, call it the Car of Today. This will be the new models' first full season. Will it draft as well in its Daytona debut as the old car, or will drivers complain en masse?
Posted by Memmo at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: DAYTONA 500
Click here to listen to Jacob Frey discuss his performance at the marathon trials, marathoning in general and his race this morning in the Austin Marathon.
Posted by Memmo at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Austin Marathon